Imagining Canada’s Future

Tuesday, May 29, 9:30–11:30 a.m.
Paul Martin Centre, Dining Hall, Wilfrid Laurier University
To paraphrase Yogi Berra, it’s tough to make predictions—especially about the future. So how can we prepare for what’s around the corner? In an ever-changing world, it’s good to know the humanities and social sciences are there to help us understand the past and present, with a view toward creating a better future.
The Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) has embarked on a forward-thinking initiative to identify key future challenge areas for Canada in an evolving global context. For Canada to continue to be a successful society in the 21st century, we need to think ahead to anticipate emerging trends, societal issues and knowledge needs.
But don’t take our word for it—come and listen to some of Canada’s most insightful individuals. SSHRC has organized a Big Thinking panel discussion with Dan Gardner and Don Tapscott—people with their fingers on the pulse of current issues, leading thinkers who are well-placed to help identify what’s ahead for Canada and Canadians.
What better way to spend a Tuesday morning than with three engaging, dynamic and informed intellects, discussing where we’re all headed?
Start the discussion on Canada’s future challenges on Twitter: #futureCanada
Dan Gardner is a columnist and senior writer at the Ottawa Citizen. His work has garnered awards ranging from the National Newspaper award, to the Michener Citation of Merit, the Canadian Association of Journalists Award and the Amnesty International Canada Media Award. Gardner is also the author of the bestselling book Risk: the Science and Politics of Fear, which was published in 11 countries and seven languages and won the 2009 Canadian Science Writers’ Association “Science in Society Prizeâ€. His latest book, Future Babble, has received rave reviews for its critical examination of expert predictions.
Don Tapscott is one of the world’s leading authorities on innovation, media, and the economic and social impact of technology. He is CEO of The Tapscott Group and the chairman of the think tank “Moxie Insightâ€. He is also vice chair of Spencer Trask Collaborative Innovations, which is building a portfolio of companies in the collaboration and social media space. He has authored numerous books about information technology in business and society, including Macrowikinomics: Rebooting Business and the World and Wikinomics: How Mass Collaboration Changes Everything. Wikinomics was an international bestseller and was on The New York Times and Businessweek bestseller lists.
Diana Carney is the Vice-President Projects at the think-tank Canada 2020, where she is in charge of the ongoing project The Canada We Want in 2020, which seeks to launch a national conversation on the role of the federal government in key strategic areas for Canada. Her background includes work in consulting and in overseas development, where she focused on policy to support sustainable livelihoods. Canada 2020 is a non-partisan, progressive policy think tank, focused on the role of the federal government in Canada.