
May 27, 06:00 to 07:30 | Psychology, Anthropology, Sociology (UW), room 2083 Stepping forward, looking back: Post-colonial, Global, Transnational, and Diasporic Studies in the 21st century Heather Smyth, Stephen Slemon, Stephen Ney, Belén Martín-Lucas, Leela Gandhi, Kit Dobson, Janet Conway Canadian Association for Commonwealth Literature and Language Studies

Featuring Janet Conway, Kit Dobson, Leela Gandhi, Belén Martín-Lucas, Stephen Ney, Stephen Slemon, and Heather Smyth, this roundtable addresses the necessity for literary scholars to reflect on the significant, subtle shifts away from post-colonial thinking towards concepts such as globalization, transnationalism, and diaspora, particularly in literary analysis and cultural studies.

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May 27, 11:00 to 12:30 | J.G. Hagey Hall of the Humanities (UW), room 1101 Italian scientists in Canada: The crossroads between sciences and humanities Andrea Meloni, Ambassador of Italy in Canada, Giovanni Fanchini, Cecilia Flori, Alioscia Hamma, Michele Mosca, Laura Sanità, Manuele Santoprete Canadian Society for Italian Studies

The roundtable will explore the crossroads between sciences and humanities. Italian scientists working in Canada will discuss the ties between the two fields of knowledge. In an age of specialization and sectorial knowledge, is there still a need for a common ground between disciplines? Will the humanities and sciences need to cooperate more closely to address the global challenges of the 21st century? What can and should be done to nurture this common ground and cooperation?

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May 27, 13:00 to 15:00 | Frank C. Peters Building (WLU), room 2007 You have a degree in French Studies? And what will you do with it? Association des professeur.e.s de français des universités et collèges canadiens

How should French Studies scholars present themselves in society? As literary researchers who also teach French? As language teachers whose incomes allow them to conduct research? As defenders and promoters of bilingualism? As chroniclers and transmitters of literary heritage (and if so, whose)?

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May 27, 16:00 to 17:30 | Mathematics and Computer Building (UW), room 2017 History and genealogy: Good partners for research on the First Nations in the late 19th and early 20th century Canadian Historical Association

Conference delegates and the public are invited to attend this panel discussion of the role that genealogical research plays in enhancing our understanding of the history of individual families, Ontario First Nations, and settler society. The experts’ presentations will be followed by a question and answer period for community members.

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May 28, 07:00 to 13:00 | Bricker Academic Building (WLU), room 201 RACE, MULTICULTURALISM AND THE CHALLENGE OF EQUITY Researchers and Academics of Colour for Equality/Equity

12th Annual Critical Race and Anti-Colonial Studies Conference & Book Launch

10:00-12:00 PANEL 1: Anti-Muslim Racism
Sherene Razack; Sunera Thobani; Dana Olwan 
Sedef Arat-Koc

12:00-14:00 BOOK LAUNCH and Lunch Reception
Multiculturalism within a Bilingual Framework: Language, Race, and Belonging in Canada
 – Eve Haque (York University)

14:00-16:00 PANEL 2: Equity in the Academy
“Race, Gender and the Canadian Academy: The Status of Racialized Minorities and Aboriginal People”
Presenters: Ena Dua; Carl James; Frances Henry; Carol Tator; Audrey Kobayashi
Chair: Malinda S. Smith

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May 28, 10:00 to 12:30 | Dining Hall (WLU), room Paul Martin Centre Measuring Well-Being: A symposium on the use of well-being indicators Canadian Population Society

There is more to community or national well-being than economic growth. Panelists in this symposium discuss different approaches to measuring well-being, including the Canadian Index of Wellbeing (CIW), Aboriginal Affairs and Northern Development Canada’s (AADC’s) Community Well-Being Index (CWB), and other applied examples of well-being measurement in communities.

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May 28, 10:30 to 11:50 | Waterloo Lutheran Seminary (WLU), room 101 The Armageddon factor and the changing role of Christianity in Canadian politics Canadian Evangelical Theological Association, Canadian Theological Society

A panel of scholars will facilitate a discussion on the changing public/political roles of Christianity in Canada and the implications of these changing roles for Christian scholarship.

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May 29, 10:30 to 13:30 | Dining Hall (WLU), room Senate & Board Chamber Thinking Ahead – What will Canada look like in 2030? Shirley Fecteau, John Macfarlane, Carolyn McGregor, Susan McDaniel, Michael Byers Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Moderator: John Macfarlane, Editor and Co-publisher of The Walrus

Speakers: Michael Byers, Canada Research Chair in Global Politics and International Law; Shirley Fecteau, Canada Research Chair In Human Cognition, Decision-Making and Brain Plasticity; Susan McDaniel, Canada Research Chair in Global Population and Life Course; Carolyn McGregor, Canada Research Chair in Health Informatics; and a panel of four graduate students of Canada Research Chairs.

For Canada to continue to be a successful society in the 21st century, we need to think ahead and collectively imagine our possible futures, anticipating potential issues and societal needs that lie ahead. Thinking Ahead – What will Canada look like in 2030?, will bring together Canada Research Chairs and their students in two lively panel discussions, during which the speakers will discuss future challenge areas for Canada over the next five, 10, and 20 years. The goal of this event is to explore the ways in which the research communities of all disciplines can contribute their knowledge, talent and expertise to understanding and shaping the future of Canada in an evolving global context.

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May 29, 10:30 to 12:00 | Arts Building (WLU), room 1E1 Brokering bodies across borders: Intermediaries and the state in the age of mobility The International Migration Centre, Canadian Sociological Association, Canadian Association of Geographers

Intermediaries such as immigration consultants, recruiters, non-governmental organizations and the International Organization for Migration are playing an increasingly important role in the management of international migration. This session explores the relationship between governmental and non-governmental agencies that inhabit the emergent interstitial spaces of global migration and the governance of refugee claimants, resettled refugees and skilled labor migration. How do governmental and non-governmental agencies’ roles intersect, differ and at times conflict vis-à-vis the regulation, facilitation, resettlement and management of refugees and refugee claimants? What forms of public/private relationships are present in contemporary migration management and are they clearly demarcated? How do regulatory frameworks incorporate non-state actors into migration and refugee policy and is this by design or default? An interdisciplinary set of research presenters address these questions by focusing on the issue of third parties involved with migration.

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May 29, 12:00 to 17:00 | Research and Academic Centre West (Laurier Brantford), room RCW202 Urban renewal through post-secondary education Wilfred Laurier University

Ideally located in the heart of southwestern Ontario, close to the largest First Nation in Canada, Brantford Ontario was one of the most significant manufacturing centers in 19th-century Canada. After de-industrialization took hold, Brantford was left to reinvent itself. The arrival, beginning in 1999, of Laurier, Nipissing University and Mohawk College, catalyzed sweeping changes. Join us for a discussion of how education can spur urban renewal and economic transformation.
15:00 Leave Waterloo
16:00 Panel discussion
17:00 Networking reception (Light meal provided)
18:00 Tour: Downtown Brantford, Brant County Museum or Casino or Military Museum
20:00 Bus leaves to go back to Waterloo
For more information, or to register, go to

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May 29, 12:15 to 13:45 | Location TBD Social movements and professionalization: Critical assessments Canadian Women's Studies Association, Canadian Society for the Study of Education, Society for Socialist Studies, Canadian Sociological Association

What happens to a social movement when it “goes professional”? Does its ability to bring about change improve? How do movement leaders stay true to their original aims? This session includes scholars examining the professionalization of social movement organizations in the disability, women’s rights, anti-poverty, environmental or child care movements.

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May 29, 12:30 to 14:00 | Arts Building (WLU), room 1E1 Why do we still need a census? Richard Wright, Damaris Rose, Susan McDaniels, Dan Hiebert, Rod Beaujot The International Migration Centre, Canadian Population Society, Canadian Association of Geographers

This provocative, multi disciplinary panel brings together a number of researchers with important expertise on census related issues and tackles the question of "Why do we still need a census?" The debate is intended to generate dialogue based on both Canadian and US experiences of recent change in census data collection, and explore the question of how this will affect research and policy development. Recent census changes in Canada have sparked vigorous debate and this panel will provide an opportunity to further this dialogue.

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May 30, 06:30 to 08:30 | Dining Hall (WLU), room Paul Martin Centre SSHRC panel discussion at Congress 2012: Partnerships in the Digital Economy Geoffrey Shea, Neil Randall, Jennifer Jenson, Wendy Cukier, Gerri Sinclair Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council

Moderator: Gerri Sinclair, SSHRC Council member and Senior Innovation Strategist and Distinguished Visiting Professor at Ryerson University

Speakers: Wendy Cukier, vice-president, Research and Innovation at Ryerson University; Jennifer Jenson, associate professor, Faculty of Education at York University; Neil Randall, associate professor, Department of English Language and Literature, and director of the Games Institute, at the University of Waterloo; and Geoffrey Shea, a media artist and associate professor at the Ontario College of Art & Design (OCAD) and Co-Director of the Mobile Experience Lab at OCAD; as well as research partners.

The panelists will discuss successful research collaborations with partners from the digital media industry, as well as those from the public sector, and how these collaborations contribute to advancing the knowledge, talent and expertise needed to foster an innovative 21st century Canada.

SSHRC provides support for research partnerships to develop and advance research and/or knowledge mobilization in the social sciences and humanities through mutual co-operation and sharing of intellectual leadership and resources. These partnerships help to create new insights on key issues—such as the digital economy—and build strong networks among the academic, public, private and not-for-profit sectors.

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May 30, 07:30 to 09:00 | Mathematics and Computer Building (UW), room 2034 Madeleine Parent, activist: Reflections on her history and legacy Andree Levesque, Laurell Ritchie, Joan Sangster, Alvin Finkel Canadian Historical Association, Canadian Committee on Labour History

Activist, feminist and labour organizer Madeleine Parent died on March 11, 2021 after a long career dedicated to social justice, women’s rights and organizing Canadian unions. Revered as a leader among Quebec feminists, she also served on the National Action Committee on the Status of Women. This panel examines her life and legacy.

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May 30, 10:15 to 14:00 | Mathematics and Computer Building (UW), room 2065 The War of 1812: Whose war was it anyway? Active History Group

Appealing to teachers, students, local heritage activists and interested citizens, this mini-conference on the War of 1812 includes sessions on an augmented reality game about the war, the film and heritage aspect of the bicentennial events, and anti-war religious perspectives. An evening round table will take place at the Waterloo Public Library.

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May 30, 10:30 to 12:00 | Arts Building (WLU), room 2C4 Island detentions Rob Fiedler, Tina Catania, Emily Mitchell-Eaton, Kate Coddington, Jenna Loyd, Alison Mountz The International Migration Centre, Canadian Sociological Association, Canadian Association of Geographers

This session explores the proliferation of sites where migrants have been detained on islands. Islands often prove contentious sites of detention due to the strain that they place on local environments and communities, government resources and those who are doubly isolated in detention on islands. Detainees, advocates and authorities often find themselves embroiled in struggles over asylum and legal status. These negotiations bring to light hidden geographies, contested zones of sovereignty, questions about jurisdiction and partial forms of citizenship.

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May 31, 09:15 to 10:30 | Arts Lecture Hall (UW), room L113 Campus-community research collaboration: New approaches for the 21st century Michael Hall, Budd Hall, Chad Gaffield Association for Nonprofit and Social Economy Research

Join Chad Gaffield, president of SSHRC, and Budd Hall, UNESCO Chair of Community Based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education, University of Victoria, for a dialogue on new approaches to campus-community research collaboration. Moderated by Michael Hall, Vice-President of Research at the YMCA.

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June 1, 06:00 to 09:00 | Bricker Academic Building (WLU), room BA202 The new environment for knowledge dissemination Linda Baer, David Mitchell, John Willinsky, Brian O’Leary, Frits Pannekoek, Rowland Lorimer

The environment in which social science and humanities (SSH) research is developed and disseminated in Canada is currently undergoing radical transformation. Is this new environment necessarily a good or bad thing? More importantly, how should we define the public interest in this newly emerging environment?

Join Rowland Lorimer, Frits Pannekoek, Brian O’Leary, Linda Baer, John Willinsky and Chair, David Mitchell, as they discuss the multiple opportunities and challenges surrounding the production and dissemination of SSH research.

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June 1, 10:00 to 14:00 | Bricker Academic Building (WLU), room BA202 Toward operationalising and sustaining Open-Access in a Canadian context Rowland Lorimer, Susan Brown, Richard Smith, Thérèse DeGroote, Monique Zaloum, Michael Eberle-Sinatra, John Willinsky, Melissa Pitts, Guylaine Beaudry

Open-Access has become a key method of research mobilization despite some of the challenges in supporting and assessing research disseminated in this way. In this session, a range of experts will engage in an open, consultative discussion on how to operationalize and sustain Open-Access in Canada.

Join moderator, Janet Halliwell, and stakeholders representing researchers, scholarly societies, academic presses and journal publishers, academic libraries and funding agencies.

Supported by the CFHSS VP of Research Dissemination, Ray Siemens.

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June 1, 10:30 to 12:00 | Arts Building (WLU), room 1E1 Science, society and policy Penny Park, Lucie Edwards, Professor Ann Dale Canadian Association of Geographers

Congress’s theme this year is “Crossroads: Scholarship for an uncertain world” and the Canadian Association of Geographers’ theme is “toward integration.” With these themes in mind, a panel of experts in the areas of science, policy and society will speak to the challenges of bridging the divide between scientific research (pure and applied), government policy (formation, regulation and analysis) and social understanding and engagement.

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June 2, 09:45 to 11:15 | Frank C. Peters Building (WLU), room P1025/1027 Patterns and possibilities in the Occupy/Decolonize movement Donya Ziaee, Dave Vasey, Sakura Saunders, Tom Malleson, Alex Khasnabish Canadian Sociological Association

Sociology is conventionally understood as one of several social scientific disciplines that complement each other in comprehending the human condition. Yet since the 1970s, the 'cultural turn' to constructivism and the deepening crisis of capitalist modernity have subverted the conventional view. This panel proposes a re-visioning of sociology and of its relationship to the late-modern world it inhabits.

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